Early Times is a Leading Newspaper of Jammu & Kashmir published daily from Jammu the winter Capital of Jammu & Kashmir. Like its name Early Times often breaks news before other newspapers can do so in the entire State of Jammu and Kashmir. For nearly a decade ET has set a record in this respect which contemporary daily newspapers in the State have been vying to match without reaching anywhere near it. And television stations are often forced to take a cue from it.
This could be possible because its founder Editor BL Gupta takes readers’ rights to know and be informed as a rule and never allows making an exception from this.
Thus, ET has come to enjoy rare patronage of its readers spread all over the State. They vouch for its true, fair and unbiased presentation of news.
We are fully aware and conscious of the fact that in a decade or so, which is thought to be a short time in the life of a newspaper, the success which has come our way can only last, if ET continues to get unstinted love, support and confidence of its readers. Thus, ET welcomes all patrons’ and readers’ advice, suggestions and feedbacks.
We assure that all of us, right from our Managing Editor Munish Gupta to our every member of Staff, are always ready and keen to serve readers’ interests since we consider this to be public interest.
Awal Times adalah koran terkemuka dari Jammu & Kashmir diterbitkan setiap hari dari Jammu Modal musim dingin Jammu & Kashmir. Seperti namanya Awal Kali sering istirahat berita sebelum surat kabar lainnya dapat melakukannya di seluruh Negara Bagian Jammu dan Kashmir. Selama hampir satu dekade ET telah menetapkan rekor dalam hal ini surat kabar harian yang kontemporer di Negara telah berlomba-lomba untuk mencocokkan tanpa mencapai di mana saja dekat itu. Dan stasiun televisi sering dipaksa untuk mengambil isyarat dari itu.
Hal ini dapat dimungkinkan karena pendiri Editor nya BL Gupta mengambil hak pembaca untuk mengetahui dan diberitahu sebagai aturan dan tidak pernah memungkinkan membuat pengecualian dari ini.
Dengan demikian, ET telah datang untuk menikmati patronase langka pembacanya tersebar di seluruh negara. Mereka menjamin untuk presentasi yang benar, adil dan tidak bias atas berita.
Kami sepenuhnya sadar dan sadar akan fakta bahwa dalam satu dekade atau lebih, yang dianggap sebagai waktu yang singkat dalam kehidupan surat kabar, keberhasilan yang telah datang dengan cara kami hanya berlangsung bisa, jika ET terus mendapatkan cinta boros, dukungan dan kepercayaan dari para pembacanya. Dengan demikian, ET menyambut semua pelanggan 'dan pembaca' saran, saran dan masukan.
Kami menjamin bahwa kita semua, langsung dari kami Managing Editor Munish Gupta ke kami setiap anggota staf, selalu siap dan tertarik untuk melayani kepentingan pembaca karena kami menganggap hal ini menjadi kepentingan publik.
Early Times is a Leading Newspaper of Jammu & Kashmir published daily from Jammu the winter Capital of Jammu & Kashmir. Like its name Early Times often breaks news before other newspapers can do so in the entire State of Jammu and Kashmir. For nearly a decade ET has set a record in this respect which contemporary daily newspapers in the State have been vying to match without reaching anywhere near it. And television stations are often forced to take a cue from it.
This could be possible because its founder Editor BL Gupta takes readers’ rights to know and be informed as a rule and never allows making an exception from this.
Thus, ET has come to enjoy rare patronage of its readers spread all over the State. They vouch for its true, fair and unbiased presentation of news.
We are fully aware and conscious of the fact that in a decade or so, which is thought to be a short time in the life of a newspaper, the success which has come our way can only last, if ET continues to get unstinted love, support and confidence of its readers. Thus, ET welcomes all patrons’ and readers’ advice, suggestions and feedbacks.
We assure that all of us, right from our Managing Editor Munish Gupta to our every member of Staff, are always ready and keen to serve readers’ interests since we consider this to be public interest.